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Rehab of the Fowler House Part 2

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About 1.5 weeks ago I met my designer, Noelle Martinez, with Studio Boise at the "Fowler House" to walk the property and for her and her husband to take measurements of all rooms in order to create a design.  As we walked the property we discussed the layout and where I was thinking the stair to the basement would be placed.  The house was moved to its current location and placed on a foundation with a 9ft basement.  There was no basement prior to its move.

Earlier this week I met with Noelle for a preliminary design layout.  The first set of pics are the current layout and the second set is the new proposed design.  I am now taking the next few days to think about the layout and decide on a final design.  Right now the design has 3 bonus rooms, 3 beds and 3.5 baths.  I think it will sell better with 4 beds and then there would only be 2 bonus rooms.

I will also be meeting with my Realtor, Karla Gardner, on how the layout is and if any changes are needed.  Hopefully this will be done early next week as well as the design for the 2 car garage and than we can start working on bids on all the remodeling that is needed.

The plan is to have the "Fowler House" back on the market looking amazing in 6-8 months.

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