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"Fowler House" Part 4

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In the last couple week we have made some great progress in getting ready to start construction at the "Fowler House".  The neighbors are getting anxious that this house will be the eye sore of the block forever but we are getting close to making it the most beautiful house in Boise.

Since I finally approved the design, Noelle, Studio Boise, has gotten all the docs necessary for the Historic Society to get approval for the garage and moving the back door as well as adding some windows in the kitchen.  Once I got all the docs to the Historic Society we were hoping to get everything approved through an administrative review.  This type of review will only take 1-1.5 weeks rather than having to meet in front of the entire historic board to get approval.  Luckily, we were able to get administrative review and I just received the certificate of occupancy to start construction.  The only thing we are waiting for now is the engineering calculations.

In the docs you will see a birds eye view of the property, landscaping, kitchen design, garage and much more.

Currently I am accepting bids for concrete, windows, siding, painting, electrical, HVAC and plumbing.  We will be able to get a lot of these contractors going very soon.

Stay tuned for updated pics of contractors working on site.

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